I am passionate about acting. I want you to leave every audition feeling great about the work you have done, and the steps you have taken to achieve your goals.

I have been working professionally with actors for over 18 years as an acting coach, theater director, casting director for film and television, talent agent, and fellow actor. Through my time in the entertainment industry, I have developed a unique and versatile skillset.

During our coaching sessions, we will assess your needs and tap into your creative process. By working together, you will achieve a thorough understanding of scripts, make stronger and more interesting choices, as well as improve your performances in the audition room.

I look forward to working with you soon!

- Christina


I hope this finds you well! In person coaching sessions are now available for clients over 18. But whether in person or on-line, we will find your most authentic self and have fun doing it! If you'd like to book a coaching appointment for any of your acting needs or ask any questions, I'd love to hear from you!
